Sunday, July 13, 2014

Blog 3: Filipino Identity Post Martial Law

I didn't exist when Martial Law took place in our country. But, numerous sources and even the media claim that it was a very dark period at the time. Numerous killings and disappearing people were the norm. Curfews were supposedly very tight. The military was feared and you would have to think twice or thrice before saying anything. Some labeled the martial law as the dark period for the Philippines. What did change post-martial law?

I found an article titled The Ghosts of Martial Law written by Nathan Quimpo in the site Rappler. The author cites a number of atrocities that were committed during the said Martial Law by Marcos. Aside from that, the author also compares the atrocities to today's politics. The article, however, states that almost nothing has changed. The events and failures are still quite similar to what happened during the Martial Law era.

"Electoral fraud continues, sometimes worse than before. The Lanao del Sur warlord Ali Dimaporo once reportedly wired Marcos: “You are leading by 100,000 votes. Tell me if you need more.”

Under Arroyo, that was chicken feed. As “Hello, Garci” showed, Muslim Mindanao was turned into the national center for electoral fraud. In many areas of Maguindanao, Arroyo’s Dimaporo – Ampatuan – delivered results of 99% or more for her and 12-0 for her senatorial slate." said Quimpo.

It is clear in this comparison that whatever rigging of votes that happened during the Martial Law era can and is still happening today. It just goes to show that politics is really dirty and maybe, never to be clean. I feel as if democracy is just a sham for our country as the voters' vote doesn't really count as politicians just use their money to keep or to win their positions.

I found another article titled 40 Years After Martial Law and The Philippines is Still A Failure written by dachronicler in the site DaPinoyChronicle. The article states the chronological events that led to the Martial Law and even what transpired after it was lifted up to today. The author states that it is still the same and the cycle will go on as long as the voters elect the same corrupt politicians.

"We are not a true democracy, it is mob rule. We let this happen, we continue to elect politicians with no competence. And the cycle goes on and on and on. Martial Law was not the dark period of our history, it was merely a normal era. The dark period of our history is today because we have already lost our sense of morality and rationality." said dachronicler.

After reading the lengthy article, I realized that the author's point was actually true. Even if I wasn't part or I did not experience the Martial Law, I can say that the political and economical status of our country isn't improving. People still elect politicians that are either incompetent or just because the politician came from show business.

As a Filipino, I am disappointed at the progress of the country. I have to disagree that we are free from tyranny or corruption because the Martial Law was lifted. It is till happening and we are not changing. The vicious cycle will go on. Yes, we are free from curfews and death threats but at what cost?

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